I had been hearing about this Ayahuasca retreat for a couple months from my sister. She and I started our spirituality journey together, however, in very different time of our lives. She is single, young, full of dreams and wanting to explore the world. I am in a relationship, with two step children and a son of my own.

I was excited for her since the moment she told me about it. Sometimes life just gets in the way and holds you back from doing things you wished you could do. To me attending the retreat was not a question, it was just not my reality, out of my reach at that moment (at least that’s what it felt like).

Some intense life events happened a few days prior to the retreat that made me stop, analyze and make the hard decision to leave my child to take care of myself. I felt selfish and almost a bad mother. But I was also understanding that to be a good mother I needed to be okay and I wasn’t.

The moment we pulled up to the Villa of Angels I knew I was right where I was supposed to be. We were welcomed by Jess who showed us where our room was and immediately got comfortable.

Little by little more of us started showing up. One by one. We immediately made connection and poured our hearts out. It was easy. It was very apparent that we all carried a big load on our shoulders and were searching for some understanding and relief. At the end of the day we were all there under different circumstances but for the same reason; We were all meant to be there.

My experience was magical, it was confusing for me because I had a certain expectation but the medicine speaks to you in ways you never expect. And after processing, I can say it spoke to me the way I needed to be spoken to.

From the Temezcal, to the biotuning, to the dancing, to the signing, to the laughing, to the emotional break through, to the support, to the genuine connections that were made, all I can say is Thank You.

I will forever hold deep in my heart this family that we created the moment we walked through the door.

No one will ever understand, no one will ever know what was felt those few days we all disconnected from the world to connect with ourselves. And for all this I am so Blessed.

AHO! 🙏🏼


The Sacred Power of Rapé


Ayahuasca Ceremonies: Bridging Science and Spirituality for Holistic Well-being