The Drip of Love
I guess let’s get this thing started, let me be one of the first to welcome you here to the Chakrana blog, I am grateful for the privilege to do as such. There was mention of a bio, not the sort of thing I tend to enjoy writing, in all honesty not quite sure how to do one of those, they always seem so contrived, I suppose in order to get into that, as in write the bio, I would probably need to start at the beginning, the beginning of this journey for me, but how all this flowed into my life is probably a story for a different time, the story of my journey to finding plant medicine and Chakrana.
It seems to me, that my first post here shouldn’t be about me, but instead, the people of Chakrana, they are the reason we are all here anyway. I suppose I should introduce myself though, get the introductions out of the way, my name is Joshua, I am a writer amongst many other things, a dabbler if you will, a dabbler that has found himself on a spiritual journey, I have been a participant in six Ayahuasca ceremonies with Chakrana, each one a unique life changing experience, and consider each single person I have met through this journey, to be the best kind of people, people I love, admire and enjoy their in energy presence. I am no expert, I am not selling anything, as one of my favorite teachers, Alan Watts always said, “I am a spiritual entertainer”, that is how I feel about my writing, it seems to encompass where I am coming from quite nicely, which I sometimes refer to as “playful musings and useless drivel regarding this adventure of human existence on planet Earth”. My home is this giant rock we call planet Earth, on the fringe of the Milky Way Galaxy, but more specifically the United States of America, a spiritual being, an explorer full of adventurous spirit, a kid at play, riding the flow of adventures wherever it takes me, all within the energetic flow of the universe. That seems to be the best bio I can give you…
If you find yourself reading this, you must be considering plant medicine as a means to greater understanding of self and spiritual awakening, supposing that is how “you” find “yourself” here, and investing the time to read this, you could be considering your own journey to meet Mama Aya or some other spiritual process, or just maybe you are already on your journey and find yourself looking to learn more and go deeper with your awareness. Only you can know such things.
I am certain the Chakrana team will be putting together some amazing content, but for my part, any post you see from me, I will be writing with intent to entertain, the only way I know to do that, is to share my experiences, both the spiritual and the logistical. Mama Aya showed herself to me the instant I moseyed through the door to her spiritual plane, I continue to have gratitude for that, and just maybe sharing my experience can entertain and help others remember. You can expect anything I write here to be within that energy.
The people here that are Chakrana, genuinely some of the kindest, loving, caring, and aware people I have ever met, sharing the light, from the Olivia and Nicole at the shop in Puerto Vallarta, Dawn’s sound healing, Monica’s gracefully loving presence, to Malaika’s music, the groups of humans that come together to be of support at these ceremonies, with their beautiful energies and healing presence, then Jessica, what can I even really say about Jessica, you just have to meet her, I know that she sees right to the innermost core of my being, and last but certainly not least, Jorge and his powerful energy moving presence, such a gentle loving humble man, always giving you everything he has to help you heal. These are the people behind the website and the plant medicine, the genuine human souls who have made it their purpose in life, spreading this light, spiritual awareness, the gift of healing, the remembering, from one human soul to another, creating an experience dripping with love.
My website, where I publish content of the musings that flow through my mind and stories of this adventure upon which I find myself, can be found at the link below if you’re so inclined, if you’re the curious sort, if reading playful musings and useless drivel regarding this adventure of human existence on planet Earth is your curiosity.
Until Next Time,
Find me here: Joshua’s Dot Earth